SMSC Development Opportunities

Below are some examples of how we ensure children have this opportunity in school but it is very much part of the ethos and vision of the school. We also have an SMSC Strategy Team who meet half termly to ensure the strategic direction of SMSC in school to enable us to work towards being accredited a SMSC award.



We encourage spiritual development during RE lessons, assemblies and by welcoming and accepting the spiritual beliefs of others within our school community. We create opportunities for the children to experience stillness as well as reflecting on, considering and celebrating the wonders and mysteries of life.



We develop moral understanding and problem solving through our behaviour expectations (At Morpeth Road We Are: Respectful, Ready and Safe); through PSHE days and our enrichment provision. We look specifically at actions with a moral dilemma and discuss them to develop the children’s understanding. We feel it is important that children take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others; distinguish between right and wrong and make informed and independent judgements.



We have a wide variety of opportunities for social development in school including: PSHE lessons; University College; Social skills intervention groups; support sessions with Parent Liaison worker; a consistent behaviour policy with clear consequences and rewards (see behaviour policy and guidance) and a restorative approach to supporting children to make good decisions. We ensure all pupils have a voice through an elected School Parliament who have the power to make changes in school and clubs such as debating further explore the promotion of British Values. We develop an understanding of their individual and group identity, learning about service in the school and wider community and beginning to understand the need for social justice and a concern for the disadvantaged.



The cultural development of our children is encouraged and supported through assemblies; RE lessons; understanding different cultures; themed days and weeks and in welcoming and accepting the cultural beliefs of everyone in our school community. All curriculum areas should seek illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible. We recognise, respect and celebrate the value and richness of cultural diversity in Britain, and how these influence individuals and society as well as recognising worldwide faiths.